Relax: Resources to Stay Calm and Alleviate Stress

Stress management and finding ways to relax are key drivers for effective self-care. I’ll never forget the feeling I had as I stood backstage at the Grand Ole Opry. About to play alongside country superstar and good friend Collin Raye, my mind was filled with negative thoughts.

“Who do you think you are? You’re a part-time, amateur bass player who doesn’t belong on a stage with professional musicians. This is one of the most important performances of Collin’s career. Are you going to be the guy who messes it up? You aren’t good enough to be here.”

The performance turned out fine. But I regret that negative self-talk prevented me from truly enjoying what, for many, would be a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Fortunately, I got another chance to play on that legendary stage. This time, I didn’t let negative thoughts ruin the experience.

What changed? I learned strategies and techniques to quiet the negative chatter in my mind.

In my book, All the Right Reasons, and on this blog, I’ve written extensively about managing stress, alleviating anxiety, and finding ways to relax. Here are several resources compiled from my writings that you might find beneficial. The first (and perhaps most important) resource helps me remain present and enjoy life’s great moments.

Alleviating Fear and Anxiety… Relax and Just Breathe

I take viewers through the exercise in this video, but if you think about a square, you can picture the exercise (closing your eyes also helps):

  1. Breathe in for four counts
  2. Hold it in for four counts
  3. Exhale slowly for another four counts
  4. And finally, maintain the exhale for four counts before repeating the cycle

I usually do that four times. It’s amazing how it sets my mind right. It allows me to become present and to achieve what I know I’m capable of accomplishing.

Watch the Full Video on YouTube

Prioritize Self-Care with These 3 Tips

In thinking about how you interact with clients or customers, remember the most important customer you will ever have is you. Just like we strive to provide exceptional service to our clients, it’s key to extend the same level of care and attention to ourselves through self-care.

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7 Steps for Stress Management

Stress can affect our mood, impact our relationships, and be detrimental to our overall health. To combat the negative results of stress, I believe it’s essential to incorporate effective stress management strategies into our daily routines.

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7 Ways to Find Peace and Lower Stress

Research shows that seeking peace and showing kindness reduces stress and increases productivity. Committing to a calm personal approach is important throughout the year.

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5 Steps to Lead a More Balanced Life

Harmony in our lives is key, I believe, to health and happiness. Creating balance is critical to achieving harmony.

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Each Aug. 15, we recognize National Relaxation Day, giving us an opportunity to evaluate how we manage stress and how we relax. Throughout the year, we also celebrate Stress Awareness Month (April), National Mental Health Awareness Month (May), and International Peace & Love Day (July 7). I encourage you to better understand how stress may be impacting your ability to live a life in harmony.

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